What do you give your prospects after they've expressed an interest in your products or services? Most small business owners simply pass out a single sales brochure. It's much more effective to present a complete folder of information that works to further build trust and confidence. This article discusses the inserts I recommend you include in your marketing folder.
Insert #1: The Compelling Story
Every small business owner should be able to tell a compelling story about their passions and why they started their business. After all Chris Carson Seahawks Jersey , how can you expect to create passion in your customers if you're not able to convey your own business passion?
The Compelling Story is just that - a short 1-page info sheet on just why you created your business. The story must be personal, engaging, and fun to read. If you can make an emotional connection with the reader Russell Wilson Seahawks Jersey , you'll quickly build trust and confidence with your prospects.
Below are a few points to help you craft the perfect compelling story.
- Be personal - Talk about the people you've touched in your business - If possible, appeal to the emotions - Make your story fun to read - Tell your story with passion - Show your human side - talk about mistakes you've made and the lessons you've learned
Your Compelling Story is the perfect start to your marketing communications folder.
Insert #2: The Competition
The purpose of this insert is to summarize why people should buy from you as opposed to your competition. Summarize all the advantages of doing business with your company. Communicate your unique approach, the value customers get when they do business with you Ugo Amadi Authentic Jersey , and why your products and services are the best in your field.
Again, make this a single sided sheet and pick just three or four points to communicate.
Insert #3: The Problem Solver
How are you are able to solve the business problems of your customers? This insert should tell the whole story.
Here's what I suggest you include in this single-page insert.
- Define the main problems of your target market - Describe how your product or service solves those problems - Describe the steps needed to solve the problem
Insert #4: Product and Service Summary
In this insert, summarize your various productservices and list the benefits of each.
Make sure you discuss the benefits Phil Haynes Authentic Jersey , not the features. This is an important distinction. Too many companies spend their time covering product features instead of focusing on the benefits to the customer.
Insert #5: The Testimonial Page
This is the page that summarizes your best customer testimonials. Here are a few ideas for collecting customer testimonials.
1. Many customers may feel they don't have the time to write a testimonial. For customers with an established relationship, write one up on their behalf and present it to them for their approval.
2. After completing a successful transaction with a customer, ask them for a quick testimonial. Have them write a few sentences down on a piece of paper. It will only take a minute and they will rarely refuse if you have provided value.
3. To create more powerful copy Gary Jennings Jr. Authentic Jersey , ask your customers to write the testimonial as if they were recommending you to a friend.
Insert #6: The Informational Article
Write a short article on a topic that is important to your customer base. Include a web URL where they can view or download the entire article at no charge. By providing free and useful information, you will build on the trust and confidence you have already established.
So there you have it - all the main components of a strong marketing communications folder. You can purchase a pocket folder with your logo and tag line printed on the front from your local print shop or a service such as VistaPrint. I recommend purchasing folders that have slots on one of the inside pockets for your business card.
Any time you have someone that expresses an interest in your products and services, mail or give them a copy of your folder. It's a powerful marketing communication strategy that will build trust Cody Barton Authentic Jersey , interest, and repeat business. There are few purchases in life that carry the financial and psychological weight of buying a home. Whether you are buying your first home, moving up to your dream home D.K. Metcalf Authentic Jersey , or downsizing your home and your life after the kids have gone, it is important to understand the ground rules for success in the world of buying a home.
Making the wrong decision in buying a home can have devastating and long lasting effects, while making a wise decision in home buying can greatly enhance the overall value of the investment. It is necessary to learn all you can about the world of home buying and mortgages before setting out to purchase the home of your dreams.
While there are plenty of web sites designed to help first time homeowners learn all they can Marquise Blair Authentic Jersey , most financial experts say that there is no substitute for the good old one-on-one learning. Fortunately, most mortgage lenders, home inspectors and real estate agents will be able to provide this kind of one-on-one learning.
When buying a home it is often best to use a systematic approach as this is often the best way to be sure that all decisions are based on information and reason L.J. Collier Authentic Jersey , not on impulse or emotion. Buying a home can be an emotional process, nevertheless it is imperative to keep your emotions under control and get your home