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Total Views: 101Word Count: 387See All articles From Author Tips on loft conversions Herts
Posted by jennycooper on October 21st, 2014
A loft space can be used for a variety of purposes; it can be anything from a master bedroom to a recreation room or from a secondary kitchen to an office room. So the first thing that you have to do before starting to transform the loft space into an actual room is to determine its purpose.
Afterwards Kyle Anderson Jersey , it is all about choosing the best team of loft conversion specialists that can provide you with professional loft conversions Herts or loft conversions Enfield. Such specialists have the required experience to deliver what you want and they can also recommend you various other professionals like plumbers or electricians, to enjoy the most perfect loft conversion ever built.
Speaking of plumbers and electricians, you need to decide if you want a bathroom integrated in your new loft space. If you plan to create a kids’ bedroom, guest room, or a master bedroom Tony Parker Jersey , it would be wise to integrate a bathroom. If the new space will be mostly used to store plants, as a wardrobe room or as a library, a bathroom is not necessary.
Plumbers may not be required for loft conversions Herts or loft conversions Enfield, but the services delivered by electricians are always needed. So whether you plan to create an office room in your new loft space or a fitness room, you need to be able to use electricity. Therefore George Gervin Jersey , start looking for electricians on your own or ask your loft conversion specialists to recommend you some reliable electricians.
If you are on a tight budget, consider a Velux type of loft conversion, which is basically represented by the installation of some roof windows manufactured by Velux, a Danish company specialised in windows and skylights. In general, this loft conversion type does not require planning permission and is Bruce Bowen Jersey , in fact, an upgrade of the already existing loft space.
If money is no problem to you, a mansard roof is the best decision to make. This kind of loft conversion features two slopes, one that is almost horizontal and the other one, almost vertical Dennis Rodman Jersey , at 72 degrees. A dormer is another good solution for those who seek for more space, as this type of loft conversion that is Regardless of the purpose of your new room, it is recommended that you insulate it, to reduce your energy bill. The insulation work is provided by those who renovate or extend the existing loft, unless otherwise decided. All these aspects regarding the process of a loft conversion must be specified in a contract signed by home or business owners and loft specialists.
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