The Comedy-Clip Relationship Family Articles | April 30 Cheap Patrick Peterson Jersey , 2004 Have you noticed it?Watch ... ... on any given night, and you receive comedy clips from ... episodes of popular comedy ... Romano slyly puts down his wife's cooking wh
Have you noticed it?
Watch television programming on any given night, and you receive comedy clips from up-and-coming episodes of popular comedy sitcoms.
Ray Romano slyly puts down his wife's cooking while his dad belittles his mom in the name of humor and a few laughs. Doug makes glib and quirky remarks for laughs to his buddies about his wife's hair on King of Queens.
Now, I love to laugh as much as the next person. I enjoy living life with lightheartedness. I often think we just need to lighten up a little bit and enjoy life more.
But not when it comes to using my wife as a comic clip for someone else's humorous moment. I value her more than that.
The very person who trusts me more than anyone should not suffer because of me. Have you ever seen it?
Have you ever watched the words of humor wound the heart of another in a relationship? Have you ever noticed the wince of pain as the "laughter" dagger finds its mark? Sure, they're smiling Cheap Larry Fitzgerald Jersey , but the smile doesn't quite go all the way to the eyes.
I have seen it many times, and it's not a pretty sight.
I recently saw this villain in action at a photo shoot. The husband sat down at the photographer's leading on a bench that he was to share with his wife. The whole family was in the room when he glibly remarked, "Are you sure she can fit on this bench?"
Everybody laughed!
Everybody, that is, except her. All she could say over and over again was how "not funny" it all was.
I thought for a moment that she was going to leave the room. Sadly Cheap Chandler Jones Jersey , the most important part of her did, her heart.
The comedy-clip relationship dagger strikes again!
Everybody may love Raymond, but not everybody loves to be on the receiving end of one of those "Raymond comedy-clip" moments in real life.
The next time you think of filling a room with laughter at your significant other's expense, stop and think about the time the laugh was at your own.
Creates a different perspective on things, doesn't it?
(C)Copyright 2004 advice-for-lifetime-relationships by Stanley J. Leffew
All Rights Reserved! Article Tags: Comedy-clip Relationship
Dear “Dr. Diet”:
When we were in Ohio Cheap Josh Rosen Jersey , my husband and I bought our first scale – an original Toledo (“No Springs. Honest Weight”). It’s ruining my life! I never used to weigh myself. Now when I get on it and I see that my weight has jumped from 142 to 150, I feel fat, unattractive and become unresponsive to my husband. Why does my weight interfere with our sex life?
Dear Toledo Libido:
In the 1920s, the Metropolitan Life Desirable Weight Tables became an institution within the medical community. From that time on, patients were weighed as a routine part of a physical examination and were told whether their weight was desirable or undesirable. Right around the same time Cheap David Johnson Jersey , Detecto Scale Company designed a scale for home use. In 1925, over one million were sold! We became obsessed with weight with how we perceived ourselves. Our outer image became wrapped up with our weight and that new torture device – Scales – became dictators. Mr. Detecto still rules.
Scales have no heart and they hate your guts
Even though your scale says “Honest Weight,” scales are probably the most dishonest and archaic measure of real body weight. Scales weigh anything you put on them. They have no eyes, no heart and they hate your guts! Think about this: you weigh 142 pounds one morning-you feel svelte and sexy. You meet your husband that evening for a romantic dinner. (“A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou.”) The next morning Cheap Hakeem Butler Jersey , you wake up, jump on your best friend, the scale and (Holy Toledo!) you weigh 150 pounds. Now the scale’s your enemy. What happened? First of all, there are many reasons that we have body weight fluctuation. Being pre-menstrual, for example Cheap Zach Allen Jersey , could easily put 3-5 pounds on the scale.
Eating spicy food, developing a thirst and then drinking a lot of water will affect your weight also. Medications, excessive exercise, sun burns and a million other reasons will make the scale fluctuate when you really haven’t gained any real weight. These are temporary, transient and necessary water fluctuations (which we all experience) and they have nothing to do with real body weight.
The scale cannot distinguish between fat and water
As an experiment Cheap Andy Isabella Jersey , take a 16-ounce glass of water and put it on the scale. It will weigh one pound. Now if you change the container from the glass to your body, you will also show a one-pound gain. The scale cannot distinguish between fat and water. The only way you could actually gain five pounds overnight is to eat 17,500 calories in excess your daily need (that’s more than 30 Big Macs). If you want a scientific method for accurately measuring body fat, try Dual X Ray Absorptiometry (DXA). This requires that you lie on an exam table and two low energy x-ray beams of different energy are passed through your body and it measures lean body mass, bone and fat. However Cheap Byron Murphy Jersey , this device costs between $40,000-$100,000, a bit more than you paid for your Toledo not to mention the radiation each morning.