Did you know generating positive media coverage is four times more effective than advertising? Getting exposure in the media is far-reaching Wholesale Football Jerseys , utterly credible and free. As an added bonus you may well attract an audience that you never anticipated. But talking to reporters can be risky and threatening for first timers. You can say too much and lose control of the interview. You can say the wrong thing and damage your reputation. You can say "No Comment" and miss an opportunity.
The only way to build your profile, brand and image is by learning the secrets of how the media works. How can you do that with limited time? Here are 5 Tips.
1. Know Your Strengths. What are you an expert at? What is your specialized area of expertise? What unique services or information can you offer? Position yourself as the expert.
2. Clarify your communication objectives? What do you want to achieve? To inform or entertain? To provide information? To build a profile? To influence public opinion? Personal marketing? Marketing or launching a new product or service?
3. Define your target audience & identify the best channels of communication to reach them? Who is your target audience? General public? Customers? Competitors? Suppliers? What is the best way to reach your target audience? TV, Radio, Internet, newspapers - local or Statewide Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys , specialist or generalist, industry publications, community newsletters?
4. What is your key message? Distill what you want to say into three key points. What are the feature and benefits to your target market and what examples can you give to provide evidence and credibility to your message?
5. Be brief when contacting the media. The media are very busy and under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines. Don't waste their time. Target who is covering stories in your area, contact them and make your pitch of a story idea brief and to the point. If they want more information have a 1-page media release with the details ready to fax or email to them.
The Superbug MRSA which is becoming more common in Hospitals, it has now developed a lethal strain WholesaleNFL Jerseys Free Shipping , that has already killed a number of patients.
Doctor Ron Cutler, a microbiologist at the University of East London, in the United Kingdom, says that Allicin, which is a completely natural extract from Garlic Wholesale NFL Jerseys Cheap , has shown remarkable success on patients with MRSA.
He has worked on this project for six years and he says that Allicin, not only kills MRSA, but also the increasing number of New Generation Superbugs, that are immune to the normal Antibiotics. We should always remember that all Antibiotics are natural, or dirivitives from Natural Products.
Allicin is the part of the Garlic that causes the pungent odour Wholesale NFL Jerseys From China , but Doctor Cutler has developed a odourless version.
At this stage the reseach success rate, is very promising.
Due to the chemicals in the air that we breathe and the food that we eat, it is essential that we take care of our Immune System, as it is the system given us at birth, to fight off illnesses and diseases Wholesale NFL Jerseys China , the natural way. Unfortunately, in this day and age, the Immune System is in continual battle with the elements that surround us.
The only solution to this situation is to consider taking nutrition that helps the Immune System to function efficiently. Garlic is obviously one of the important items that can help. There are many others and I will tell you more about them in other articles.
"Article by Alfred Jones, More Information at : and
Learn about Glyconutrients with the most powerful Antioxidants, or Wholesale NFL Jerseys , Himalayan Goji Juice. The Boost Immune System Vitamin. Help is available". Know About Medical Colleges in Bangalore
Posted by arun on March 3rd, 2015
Bangalore is the happening city in India with plenty of jobs and opportunities to study all kinds of subjects. The wonderful infrastructure of the city has led to the rise of several medical colleges in Bangalore. One’s dream of achieving success in the medical career can now become true with plenty of options present in the city. Students from all over the country and abroad are showing plenty of interest in studying in Bangalore.
Medical College in Bangalore has always been granted permission by the medical Council of India and has been affiliated to a registered University. One can look into the long list of colleges. Some are aided by government funds while others are run by the private trusts opened by notable personalities. The main aim of the colleges is to provide world class education in medicine stream to the students of all the classes of the society. The fees differ from college to college, but most of the fee structure is designed as per government norms. The colleges always encourage medical research to give optimum medical facilities to the people at large. The colleges are mostly present in the same campus with reputed medical hospitals to make education even more informative and natural.